
The Child Support Formula

The Child Support Formula

The formula is flexible enough to take into account many different family circumstances. It provides a balanced way of working out payments.

The payments are assessed based on the combined incomes of the parents and the care arrangements of the child. This ensures that the costs of raising a child are shared by both parents.

For example, if a parent provides a larger percentage of care than their share of the total income, they will generally receive payments from the other parent. If a parent provides a smaller percentage of care than their share of the income, they will generally pay child support to the other parent.

The tables for working out the costs of children and the costs that the parents meet through care are based on research into what parents spend on children in Australia.

The costs of children table is updated annually according to the changes in the Child Support Guide’s Male Total Average Weekly Earnings[1] (MTAWE) figures.

Child support payments and Family Tax Benefit[2] (FTB) are closely linked. You may need to apply for a child support assessment in order to get more than the base rate of FTB Part A. The amount of your child support payment may affect how much FTB you receive. The more child support you get, the less FTB you may receive. Equally, the less child support you get, the more FTB you may receive.



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