
Rake Season 4 has arrvived – hooray!

Rake Season 4 has arrived – hooray!

Rake’s central character, Cleaver Greene, is portrayed by the outstanding Richard Roxburgh and he is regularly joined by other iconic Aussie actors in cameo roles.

If you enjoy not knowing what’s going to happen next or like a good shock at what does happen next, start watching Season 1 to 3 to catch up and hang on for the ride of Season 4!

The following is an annotated article by Megan Lehmann in the Weekend Australian Magazine May 21-22 2016.

Q&A Cleaver Greene, barrister, reprobate, 54

The last time we saw you, your personal an professional lives were ticking along nicely. Surely you will manage to stuff that up?

I challenge the matter an the tone of this question. My life, certainly, has been a topsy0turvy affair, but that has been due in large part to the unwelcome intrusions of those around me. Frankly, I think people are jealous of those they feel the Lord may have been overly generous to.

You’ve previously defended a cannibal, a bigamist and a couple charged with bestiality. Any other interesting cases coming up?

As long as there are multiple partners to marry, people to eat an dogs to have sex with, there will be brea on my table. My little place on the great battlements of justice is to give a voice to the fallen and the downtrodden. People have compared me to a flower poked into the gun-barrel of the state, which is very kind, but too much, too much.

Would you describe yourself as more loveable rogue or vice-ridden lout?

I spend my life behind enemy lines, and so I’m no stranger to slanderous assertions. If I didn’t have people defaming me, I’d know I wasn’t doing my job properly.

Your moral compass seems to be permanently fixed on the spritz. Any chance you’ll get it fixed?

I’ve googled it, but it’s tricky to find someone who’ll tinker with them nowadays. There used to be a good guy in Epping, but it looks like he’s retired.


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