
Human Rights Month workplaces focus

Human Rights Month workplaces focus

The 2016 Human Rights Month campaign of the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland will run from 10 November until International Human Rights Day on 10 December. This year the commission is partnering with Mental Illness Fellowship Queensland to focus on the two key topics of mentally healthy workplaces and flexibility at work, under the theme of fair and inclusive workplaces.

Law firms are invited to participate in the campaign by registering and nominating a Human Rights Month champion. Participants will have access to a range of resources, including posters, stories, FAQs, and myths, and champions will receive key messages throughout the campaign, special discounts on training, and guidance and support on using the resources.

Events throughout the month include a world café conversation on creating fair and inclusive workplaces through flexible work and mental health initiatives, and a panel discussion on improving the bottom line and becoming an employer of choice.

Register through the commission’s Fair and Inclusive Workplaces web page.

Fair and inclusive workplaces

Human Rights Month is a campaign of the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland that runs from 10 November to 10 December and culminates on International Human Rights Day (10 December). ADCQ is proud to introduce our 2016 campaign partner, Mental Illness Fellowship Queensland (MIFQ).

The enduring campaign theme is Fair and inclusive workplaces , with this year’s campaign focusing on two key topics: mentally healthy workplaces and flexibility at work. ADCQ and MIFQ have developed a range of resources based on the key topics to promote awareness and discussion in the workplace.

Workplace champions

Workplaces of all sizes and types are encouraged to participate in the campaign and nominate workplace champions to co-ordinate the dissemination of information in their workplaces. There is a workplace champion’s guide for each key topic to help get the ball rolling. All workplace champions will receive updates leading up to, and throughout the campaign and invitations to special events.


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