
two people discussing a matter

How has the pandemic affected your relationship?

As the pandemic eases, and things return to a new normal, we are finding many families who have separated as a result of the increased pressure the pandemic brought to them.

“Being with no one is better than being with the wrong one, sometimes those who fly solo have the strongest wings” – Separation is a major step for everyone. It’s a time when you need help and information. Most people admit feeling the worst they have ever felt in their life during a separation.

There are no legal processes to separate. You don’t have to apply to a court, to a government organisation, or fill in any forms. You won’t get a certificate saying you are separated, but you may need to:

  • tell organisations such as Centrelink, the Child Support Agency and Medicare
  • make proper arrangements for any children involved
  • tell your family and friends
  • sort out your financial affairs—work out how debts and loans will be paid, whether you have joint bank accounts, what your superannuation or insurance entitlements are and change your will. You’ll need to tell your bank/s, and superannuation and insurance companies that you’ve separated.

Taking these actions will help prove that you’re separated. You may need legal advice.

For more information on property settlements when a relationship ends, please have a read of our website.

We are the experts in Family Law, Freedom Law will be there every step of the way. Our Family Law Specialist will provide that help and information that is vital to assisting you grow your wings of strength! Contact us today for your Initial Consultation.


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