These dates are:
22 January 2016

29 February 2016

1 April 2016

29 April 2016

20 May 2016

24 June 2016

Week of 11 July 2016

29 July 2016

26 August 2016

26 September 2016

28 October 2016

14 November 2016

Week of 5 December 2016

The usual court room in which the court sits is on Level 3 (District Court), court room 4.

Freedom Law is available to represent litigants in this, and other circuit courts around Australia.

Circuit courts, such as the Federal Circuit Court Maroochydore, enable litigants quicker and less expensive access to family law courts.

If you have any questions about family law, family law courts or the Federal Circuit Court, please contact us at Freedom Law for a no-obligation consultation.

The current time frame between family law cases being filed and allocated a first hearing date in Maroochydore is approximately 2 months.

To file a parenting family law case, a fully completed Initiating Application, Notice of Risk, Affidavit and Exemption from Fees (if applicable) Forms need to be filed either by sending these to the central registry (Brisbane) or filing them electronically via the Federal Circuit Court e-portal.

To file a property settlement family law case, a fully completed Initiating Application, Financial Statement, Affidavit and Exemption from Fees (if applicable) Forms need to be filed (in the same way as for a parenting case).

More information about the Federal Circuit Court is available at