
Family Tax Benefit Part A

What sorts of things affect my Family Tax Benefit Part A?

You can only receive Family Tax Benefit Part A if you care for the children at least 35% of the time. You will usually have to satisfy Centrelink that you have applied for a child support assessment from the other parent to receive Family Tax Benefit Part A. You may not have to if special circumstances apply. Speak to your Centrelink social worker about this.

Parents who receive Family Tax benefit Part A (at more than the base rate) are required by Centrelink to apply for a child support assessment.

Child care levels and Family Tax Benefit Part A

Centrelink will calculate how much time you spend with the children. They will calculate your Family Tax Benefit Part A based on this. Centrelink takes into account the amount of time you spend with the children, including daytimes as well as nights.

Income levels and Family Tax Benefit Part A

Family Tax Benefit Part A is affected by your yearly household income (including your new partners’ income) and your child support payments for each child.

Collection arrangements and Family Tax Benefit Part A – formula assessments

If you have a child support formula assessment and your child support payments are paid:

  • on time, and
  • in full

your Family Tax Benefit Part A will usually be based on the same amount of child support each fortnight.

If the Child Support Agency collects your payments and:

  • your child support payments are not regular, or
  • are less than they should be

You can ask to have your Family Tax Benefit Part A calculated according to the actual child support payments that you receive. Your Family Tax Benefit Part A payments will go up and down depending on how much child support you receive. If you later receive a lump sum of child support owed to you, you may have to pay some of the Family Tax Benefit Part A back. Talk to Centrelink about which method may be best for you.

If you transfer your child support privately, Centrelink will pay your Family Tax Benefit Part A as if you are receiving the amount you would receive under the assessment. If you agree to accept less child support than the amount you are entitled to in the assessment, your Family Tax Benefit Part A will not change.

Family Tax Benefit Part A – child support agreements

  • Child support agreements registered before 1 July 2008
    Your Family Tax Benefit Part A will be worked out using the amount of child support in your agreement.
  • Child support agreements registered after 1 July 2008
    Your Family Tax Benefit Part A will be based on the amount of child support that would have been payable under a formula assessment.

Your other family and Family Tax Benefit

Family Tax Benefit Part A is calculated separately for each child, taking into account household income and any child support received for each child. This means that you may be paid Family Tax Benefit Part A at a different rate for individual children in your care. This area is complicated. Talk to Centrelink for more information.

More information

  • Child Support Agency
    Tel: 131 272
  • Centrelink
    Tel: 136 150, from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm, Mon – Fri
    133 677 (Relay: deaf and hearing impaired)
  • Family Assistance Office
    Tel: 136 150
  • Family Relationship Advice Line
    Tel: 1800 050 321
  • Freedom Law 1300 365 108



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