
two people discussing a matter

Family relationship services

A range of support services are available to help separating and separated parents.

These services offer support and education to families experiencing family relationship difficulties.

Family Relationships Services Programme

The objective of the Family Relationships Services Programme (FRSP) is to improve the wellbeing of Australian families, particularly families with children, who are at risk of separating, or who have separated.

The FRSP consists of three sub-programmes that provide funding to underpin this objective:

  • Family Law System Projects
  • Family Law Services
  • Family Law Pathways Networks.

Grant opportunities exist under the Family Law System Projects sub-programme. Funding may be provided to support a range of projects that build on and support the capacity of the family law system. Further information relating to funding for Family Law System Projects, including the FRSP guidelines, can be found on the GrantConnect website.

Family law services

As part of the FRSP, this department funds a range of services offering support and education to separated parents.

These services are managed by the Department of Social Services under the Families and Communities Programme, under the Families and Children Activity.

For more information about the services available, visit the Family Relationships Online website. These services include:

  • Family relationship centres
  • Family relationship advice
  • Family dispute resolution
  • Family counselling
  • Children’s contact services
  • Parenting Orders Programme
  • Post Separation Cooperative Parenting Programme
  • Supporting Children After Separation Programme

Family law research

The department has commissioned the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) to undertake research on Children and young people in separated families.

The research aims to understand the experiences of children and young people after parents separate and how the family law system and services may better meet their needs.

For more information about this research, visit the AIFS Children and Young People in separated families page.

 Sunshine Coast


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