
I have a family law problem

I have a family law problem

Family law problem – This is one of the most Googled phrases when people are experiencing a relationship or parenting crisis.

If you have a family law problem, you want a solution.

A solution that costs the least in time, money and emotion.

That is what every single client who contacts us at Freedom Law expects.

And that is what we deliver.

At Freedom Law, we believe in finding solutions, not causing problems.

Are you in a relationship or parenting crisis?

Then call Freedom Law today for peace of mind and a value solution.

We will put your mind at rest and your interests first.

Life is too short to waste on prolonged legal battles.

Get the right advice the first time with Freedom Law.

These are just some of the everyday problems we solve daily:

  • “custody” disputes;
  • obtaining, changing or enforcing parental rights;
  • percentage care disputes;
  • schooling disputes;
  • travel disputes;
  • passport problems;
  • “watchlist” issues;
  • interstate or overseas travel problems;
  • illegal drug use;
  • domestic violence;
  • mental health impacts on children;
  • school fees;
  • health insurance;
  • extra-curricular activities and costs;
  • grandparents;
  • houses;
  • cars;
  • savings;
  • furniture;
  • animals;
  • shares;
  • investment properties;
  • trusts;
  • companies;
  • businesses;
  • superannuation
  • spousal maintenance








Suzanne Stannett – Director; Special Counsel; Accredited Specialist Family Law

Freedom Law

Freedom Law



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