
Dispute resolution – mediation

Dispute resolution – mediation

The Family Court of Australia and Federal Circuit Court of Australia use dispute resolution services (funded by the Australian Government) because they are an affordable and often quick option for resolving cases, while allowing you greater control and management of the process and the outcome.

Where possible, you should seek legal advice before deciding what the best option for your matter is. A lawyer will be able to help you understand your rights and responsibilities and can explain the law that applies to your case. They can also help you and your former partner reach an agreement without needing to come to court.

If you can’t afford a lawyer, the Family Relationship Advice Line offers free legal advice and information on services that may be able to help you come to an agreement. You can call them on 1800 050 321, or for more information visit

You can also get free legal advice from a legal advice line or Legal Aid organisation in your state or territory. For contact details for legal aid services in your state visit

Court staff cannot give you legal advice.

What kind of services are there?

In family law cases, you must make a genuine effort to resolve your issues through dispute resolution services before you can apply to the courts for parenting orders and financial orders. The Court will not be able to hear an application for a parenting order unless a certificate from an accredited family dispute practitioner is filed with the application.

The Family Court requires people applying for financial orders to follow pre-action procedures including dispute resolution before being able to file an application. In the Federal Circuit Court people are encouraged to resolve issues they don’t agree about before filing any applications. In many cases parties will be ordered to attend dispute resolution before they file with the Court.

How do I find these services and what does it cost?

To find a dispute resolution service provider in your area visit, or call the Family Relationships Advice Line on 1800 050 321.

The cost of dispute resolution will depend on the provider, with private providers setting their own fees. Family relationship centres provide one hour of their services free and will charge after this depending on your financial situation. For more information on dispute resolution costs

Freedom Mediation is a private provider of mediation services. Contact Freedom Mediation today to discuss how they can resolve your dispute.

Freedom Law represents parties engaged in mediation. Contact us today on 1300 365 108 to find out how we can help you resolve your dispute with mediation.


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