
Our Children Australia

Our Children Australia

Children and co-parenting communications – Our Children Australia  is a unique communication portal that enables parents to appropriately communicate with each other.

The portal not only facilitates communication but also enables images (such as photos) and electronic documents to be shared between parents.

Previously, parents who were unable to effectively or appropriately communicate with each other would use a “Communication Book” which was passed between the parents via a contact centre, or alternatively, via the children’s school or overnight bag.

The Communications Book had its usefulness but also its limitations. Common frustrations of parents using Communication Books included:

  • inappropriate communications;
  • denigrating communications;
  • destruction of the Communications Book;
  • withholding of the Communications Book

All of these problems have now been overcome thanks to the Our Children website.

Parents are more inclined to self-regulate the nature and quality of their communications when communicating via the website as all communications are permanent in that they cannot be deleted or edited once made and can be produced in Court via subpoena.

The website is ideal particularly where there has been a history of verbal abuse by one or both parents.

For a modest yearly fee, parents can enjoy relief from any anxiety they have in communicating to or receiving communications from, the other parent by using the Our Children website.

The Our Children website also offers a free trial period.

If you are still using a Communications Book and feel it is no longer working for your situation, or you’re in the midst of a parenting dispute and communication is an issue, we encourage you to give the Our Children website a try.

If you need legal advice and assistance about a parenting dispute, including advice on how to incorporate communications via the Our Children website into your Parenting Plan or Parenting Order, call us at Freedom Law for a no obligation free consultation at your convenience.


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