Family Law Sample Cases

Division 1

The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Formerly The Family Court of Australia)

This Court is the Court in which complex property settlement and/or parenting cases are filed. This is also the Court that the Federal Circuit Court transfers such cases initiated in the Federal Circuit Court that are deemed complex by the Federal Circuit Court to the Family Court. This Court conducts the “Magellan List” which are parenting cases concerning very serious allegations of sexual or other abuse of children with the intention that such cases are given priority and are fast-tracked to Trial.

To read some of the cases in the Family Court, please click here to visit

Division 2

The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Formerly The Federal Circuit Court of Australia)

This Court is usually the first court in which cases are filed. This Court not only hears family law cases, but also other Federal Law cases (human rights, employment, bankruptcy etc). The Judges of this Court have a central Registry and Court, as well as “remote” Courts where they sit and hear cases around the country using State courthouses.

To read some of the cases in the Federal Circuit Court, please visit their website.

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