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Child maintenance where no child support

Child maintenance where no child support Pascoe & Pascoe [2016] FCCA 1401 (16 June 2016) Child maintenance The parties accept the reality that the…

Contributions during a marriage

Contributions during a marriage Pascoe & Pascoe [2016] FCCA 1401 (16 June 2016) For full case: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCCA/2016/1401.html Contributions I do not propose to analyse in…

Dispute resolution – mediation

Dispute resolution – mediation The Family Court of Australia and Federal Circuit Court of Australia use dispute resolution services (funded by the Australian Government) because…

Freedom Mediation

We are pleased to announce our mediation service under the banner of of Freedom Mediation http://www.freedommediation.com.au/. From the simple to the complex, we help…

Annulment of Marriage

Annulment of Marriage This is an order which has the effect of saying that there is no legal marriage between the parties, even though…

Not getting enough attention? You need Freedom Law

Not getting enough attention? You need Freedom Law Freedom Law: “Being in a situation where you need legal representation is stressful enough without feeling…

Recovery Orders – what are they?

Recovery Orders – what are they? Recovery Orders are orders directing a person or other entity to return children to another person. They are…

I have a family law problem

I have a family law problem Family law problem – This is one of the most Googled phrases when people are experiencing a relationship…

Property Settlement After Divorce

Property Settlement after Divorce Property settlement – if you haven’t had a property settlement before your divorce, you need to get it done, or…

Child Custody Laws Australia

Child Custody Laws Child custody- despite the language of the Family Law Act changing from “custody” and “access” 20 years ago, these are still…

Our Children Australia

Our Children Australia Children and co-parenting communications – Our Children Australia  is a unique communication portal that enables parents to appropriately communicate with each other….

Child aged 14 doesn’t get to dictate

FAMILY LAW – Children – Parenting Orders – Variation of parenting orders – best interests of the child considered – application to vary parenting…

Contact Centre time terminated

Milne & Stanmore [2016] FCCA 1410 (10 June 2016) For full case: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCCA/2016/1410.html Introduction The parties have one child X born (omitted) 2013. The issue…

Drugs and Parenting do not mix

Drugs and Parenting do not mix Leonard & McLean [2016] FCCA 792 (9 June 2016) For full case: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCCA/2016/792.html This matter of Leonard & McLean…

Lack of honesty about drug use

Lack of honesty about drug use Leonard & McLean [2016] FCCA 792 (9 June 2016) Lack of honesty: for full case: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCCA/2016/792.html The mother clearly…

Adult child maintenance denied

Adult child maintenance denied Saxby & Saxby [2016] FCCA 1116 (3 June 2016) Adult child maintenance: for full case: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCCA/2016/1116.html History The wife was born…

Calculation for settlement not mathematical

Calculation not mathematical Nelson & Ashcroft [2016] FCCA 1322 (2 June 2016) Calculations: for full case: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCCA/2016/1322.html DISCUSSION: It is necessary then to firstly address…

Not getting enough attention? You need Freedom Law

Not getting enough attention? You need Freedom Law Freedom Law: “Being in a situation where you need legal representation is stressful enough without feeling…

Child support consent order invalid

Child support consent order invalid Slattery & Nolan [2016] FCCA 1174 (2 June 2016) Child support: for full case: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCCA/2016/1174.html Mother’s application for enforcement of…

Older children decide time

Older children decide time Slattery & Nolan [2016] FCCA 1174 (2 June 2016) Older children decide time: for full case: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCCA/2016/1174.html Each of the children have…

Interim instead of final orders

Interim instead of final orders following 4 day trial Henderson & Kent [2016] FCCA 1324 (1 June 2016) For full case:http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCCA/2016/1324.html There is no…

Incidents of concern

Incidents of concern – Hawkins & Duffy [2016] FCCA 1157 (1 June 2016) FOR FULL CASE: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCCA/2016/1157.html Agreed or Uncontroversial Facts Despite the intensity of…

Relationship Law

Relationship Law The Family Law Act 1975 (Commonwealth) The Family Law Act 1975 is the main law on matters involving divorce, property settlement after…

Parenting Cases – Best Interests of Child

Parenting Cases – Best Interests of Child When a court is making a parenting order, the Family Law Act 1975 requires it to regard the best…


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