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Mental health impact on conduct of proceedings

Mental health impact on conduct of proceedings Ladley & Farwell Mental health I find that the evidence supports that the mother has unresolved and…

Mental Health and Sole Parental Responsibility

Mental Health and Sole Parental Responsibility Douglass & Douglass Section 60CC(3)(m) any other fact or circumstance that the court thinks is relevant The Husband’s…

Unacceptable Risk of Harm

Unacceptable Risk of Harm Pepper & Rawlings Unacceptable Risk of Harm It was submitted on behalf of the mother that the Court needed to…

Should you have a “pre-nup”

“Pre-nup” Most people have heard of the word “pre-nup” from American media. It isn’t something that we have had in Australia until about 15…

Our Children Australia

Our Children Australia Children and co-parenting communications – Our Children Australia  is a unique communication portal that enables parents to appropriately communicate with each other….

Bankruptcy trustee for husband fails in bid to claim more from wife

Bankruptcy trustee for husband fails in bid to claim more from wife Weston v McAuley Mrs McAuley’s contentions Mrs McAuley defends this case on…

Supervision request and recommendation rejected

Supervision request and recommendation rejected Goel & Darsha Findings and Considerations X is yet an infant. I am easily able to find that his…

Trustee of sale proceeds breaches duties

Trustee of sale proceeds breaches duties Laurens & Laurens (No.2) There are a number of concerning aspects of Ms Lanham’s conduct in these proceedings….

Appeal against “rejection” of family report fails

Appeal against “rejection” of family report fails Reeves & Grinter THE APPEAL Three issues are raised in the grounds of appeal. The first issue…

Official Trustee has no standing to set aside binding financial agreement

Official Trustee has no standing to set aside binding financial agreement Official Trustee in Bankruptcy & Galanis and Anor The construction of definition (eab)…

Secretary did not have confidential information of other party

Secretary did not have confidential information of other party Huda & Huda and Anor APPLICABLE PRINCIPLES It is a well-known principle that lawyers must…

Children’s emotional needs not met by change of residence

Children’s emotional needs not met by change of residence Gates & Shellard Conclusion The court is faced in this case with two unpalatable options….

Threats prompt interim name change

Threats prompt interim name change Lawler & Salmon These reasons for judgment were delivered orally. They have been corrected from the transcript. Grammatical errors…

Relocation response to family violence

Relocation response to family violence Maddison & Maddison Legal Principles Applicable Although this is the interim hearing stage, the same principles apply at the…

Undefended property proceedings and legal principles

Undefended property proceedings and legal principles Jefferson & Manley The nature of undefended property proceedings It is a significant thing for proceedings to be…

Oral evidence of Family Consultant tested

Oral evidence of Family Consultant tested Morrow & Moseley Family Consultant’s oral evidence Dr Alexander identified the areas of Ms J’s report which she…

Difficulties with out of time application overcome

Difficulties with out of time application overcome Yule & Manners The respondent here argues that the applicant’s case is sparse in particularised material in…

Pornography addiction does not result in supervision

Pornography addiction does not result in supervision Nunes & Nunes Evidence Dr J, Psychiatrist’s Reports The father reported, inter alia, that during the marriage…

Alignment of child with Mother

Alignment of child with Mother Beardsley & Shelford The Parents It is accepted by both parents that there is enormous conflict between them concerning…

High conflict leading children to make allegations

High conflict leading children to make allegations Vaughan & Vaughan Are the children at risk of physical or emotional harm in the care of…

No parenting orders in these children’s best interests

No parenting orders in these children’s best interests Niven & Ralph SUMMARY – Mother and father engaged in lengthy litigation for a period of…

Animosity not a significant change of circumstance

Animosity is not a significant change of circumstance Alford & Clayton Relevant Law The definitive statement of the relevant principle comes from Evatt CJ…

Advice is the key to success in family law

Advice is the key to success in family law Hillier & Olly My Determination Quite obviously, however, the litigation between Colgate-Palmolive Company and Cussons…

Consideration of factors for relocation

Consideration of factors for relocation Saunders & Egerton ection 60CC considerations S60CC(2)(a) – The benefit to the child of having a meaningful relationship with…


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