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Supervised time contact centre best for children

Supervised time contact centre best for children Alderson & Milburn REASONS FOR JUDGMENT Introduction This interim hearing related to the child X born (omitted)…

High level parental conflict

High level parental conflict Mullins & Vass REASONS FOR JUDGMENT Introduction These are final parenting proceedings between the Applicant father, Mr Mullins and the…

Small property pool superannuation split

Belmont & Kilpatrick REASONS FOR JUDGMENT Ex Tempore These reasons for judgement were delivered orally. They have been corrected from the transcript. Grammatical errors…

Children’s views and the nature of the children’s relationships

Children’s views and the nature of the children’s relationships Mann & Irving Children’s views and the nature of the children’s relationships As noted at…

Our Children Australia

Our Children Australia Children and co-parenting communications – Our Children Australia  is a unique communication portal that enables parents to appropriately communicate with each other….

Children to remain living with Father

Children to remain living with Father McMahon & Bellwood Issues in Dispute The issues in dispute at this interim stage are what spend time…

Meaningful relationship for children not possible

Meaningful relationship for children not possible Kelsey & York REASONS FOR JUDGMENT “…concerns for welfare of children, all parties at house aggressive and unfit…

Young baby to continue to be cared for by father

Young baby to continue to be cared for by father Wallace & Crosby What are the alleged risks? In the Notice of Risk filed…

High conflict parents criticized for conduct

High conflict parents criticized for conduct Belgrove & Belgrove Introduction This case is about two children, X, who is five, and his brother Y,…

Parents need to be prepared to relocate

Parents need to be prepared to relocate Bellamy & Bellamy It is timely to be reminded of the principles in re-location matters set out…

Child support assessment not changed so father can pay bills directly

Child support assessment not changed so father can pay bills directly Gilbert & Gilbert The matter of Gilbert is an application by a father…

CDT results fail to change interim living arrangements

CDT results fail to change interim living arrangements White & Ingle Issues I am asked by the father to change the current arrangements, to which he…

Criminal offence not disclosed

Lawrie & Sheehy Criminal offence not disclosed Procedural history On 30 October 2015 the mother filed an initiating application seeking both property and parenting…

Trust lacking between parents

Trust lacking between parents Lamont & Lamont Background The father is 46 years old. The mother is 33 years of age. X is the…

What the court considers when making a parenting order – an article by Legal Aid Victoria

What the court considers when making a parenting order When making a parenting order, the main consideration of the court is whether the proposed…

Guidelines for exemption of court fees

Guidelines for exemption of court fees NOTE: Application for Divorce and Decree of Nullity in Family Court of Australia and Federal Circuit Court of…

Raising Children Network

Raising Children Network The ABC has partnered with the Raising Children Network to present factual content about children “in a nutshell”. http://www.abc.net.au/parenting/ http://raisingchildren.net.au/behaviour_toolkit_school_age.html By…

Allegations made to police and court “baseless”

Allegations made to police and court “baseless” Giffard & Giffard Involvement of New South Wales Police Reports by the mother to the police commenced…

Eligibility for a Child Support Assessment

Eligibility for a Child Support Assessment Before the Department of Human Services accept an application for a child support assessment, they must be satisfied that both parents…

Ex parte Recovery Order made

Ex parte Recovery Order made Isaac & Isaac These reasons for judgment were delivered orally. They have been corrected from the transcript. Grammatical errors…

Rice v Asplunde upheld

Rice v Asplunde upheld Wemple & Dautry Application to vary the parenting orders Final orders were made by Judge Neville on 18th December 2014…

Leave to seek property settlement refused

Leave to seek property settlement refused Wemple & Dautry Discussion The parties commenced living together in (omitted) 2007 and separated in September 2010. The…

Sister wins case for her younger brother to live with her

Sister wins case for her younger brother to live with her Harper & Wilson & Anor Introduction These reasons for judgment were delivered orally…

Conflict results in change of residence

Conflict results in change of residence Veitch & Leslie Introduction These proceedings concern final parenting arrangements for two children – X born (omitted) 2003…


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