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Family Law Courts Lighthouse Project

The Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia (the Courts) are leading the way in helping families that have experienced family violence and other safety risks to navigate the family law system.
The Lighthouse Project has been recognised for the innovative way in which the Courts will screen for risk and for its focus on public health and improved outcomes for families in the family law system.
The Commonwealth Government announced that it will provide funding for a risk screening and triage pilot in the Adelaide, Brisbane and Parramatta registries of the Courts. The pilot is currently being implemented under the Lighthouse Project.
The Courts are committed to the protection of vulnerable parties and children in family law proceedings. The Lighthouse Project will play a central role in the Courts’ responses to cases which may involve family violence and determining the urgency and resources provided to such cases. It will improve the safety of litigants who may have experienced family violence and children who may have experienced associated risks such as child abuse.


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