
Weekend Divorce – too busy during the week?

Weekend Divorce – too busy during the week?

Wondering what a weekend divorce is about and whether it might be the solution for you?

The Weekend Divorce is about working out family law issues and reaching agreement with your ex in a Saturday or Sunday mediation session (or both if needed) without the pressures of work or other commitments getting in the way.

The family law issues up for discussion can include such topics as:

  • parenting arrangements
  • child support
  • child support “extras”
  • spousal maintenance
  • property settlement
  • house and business sales and transfers
  • superannuation splitting

If an agreement is reached, it can be formalised and finalised in the same session, as can the lodging of a divorce application.

The session can be:

  • in person
  • by phone
  • with legal representatives
  • without legal representatives
  • in the same room
  • in separate rooms
  • in separate locations
  • in the hearing of the other party
  • not in the hearing of the other party

Avoiding a lengthy negotiation process by email, or an even longer court process is possible with the Weekend Divorce.

Mediation works when both parties in dispute are willing to hear each other’s perspective about the past and the future, and are also willing to give as well as receive.

Mediation simply doesn’t work if one or both parties aren’t prepared to listen to each other’s points of view or make any concessions.

If you’re interested in a Weekend Divorce, contact us at Freedom Law today on 1300 365 108 or for a free no obligation consultation to discuss how you can book your Weekend Divorce.


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