
My partner cheated on me

My partner cheated on me – what does that mean in family law?

Lots of clients ask, and some even hope, that there is some kind of compensation for their partner having cheated on them.

Since 1975, Australia has had a “no fault” family law system. This means that “adultery” (your partner cheated on you) isn’t part of what goes into working out whether you can divorce, what you get by way of a property settlement and whether the other party can see the children.

Cheating hurts. Being cheated on hurts. Counselling is a big help towards getting through one of the most painful times of your life. Psychological help is now more available than previously. Contact your GP for a Mental Health Plan and referral to a psychologist so there is only a small gap to pay for each visit.


While Freedom Law’s family law lawyers and paralegals aren’t counsellors, we do understand your pain and we work hard to resolve your family law problems quickly and cost-effectively as part of helping you move forward and away the devastation of relationship and marriage breakup.

It can feel like an awfully lonely time. But you are truly not alone. Your family and friends care about what you are going through and so do we.

Where to from here

Freedom Law are available whenever you are ready to talk and start the legal process of moving forward.

Contact our head office at Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast for a consultation your way (in person, phone, Facetime, Skype) today.


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